Jan 26, 2008
Participants: Altintas, Barseghian, Bowers, Cornillon, Crawl, Gallagher, Leinfelder, Ludäscher, Jones, Schildhauer, Staggs, Wang
- Ecological Informatics paper - due Jan 31
- Peter will try to make his entry this week
- Matt: paper needs to emphasize the thesis. Explain the reasoning behind the usecases, how they give diverse needs, how we're generalizing and improving Kepler.
- McLaughlin deployment - Feb 16-20
- Bertram will check with Quinn about helping at McLaughlin on Thurs Feb 19
- TPAC, Metacat, EML - James + Matt
- Matt and James will discuss further
- Collaboration w/ UCD and COMET. Ideas from UCD:
- Tabbed pane interface - bug #3669
- integrate Provenance Browser with Provenance Recorder, support data lineage
- add data lineage to Reporting work
- workflows that utilize, or extend the DataTurbine and/or OPeNDAP actors
- workflow development and web-based components
- Shawn to join future Reporting/Workflow Run Manager calls, help w/ a plan for a larger pluggable gui framework, how to integrate Provenance Browser, and how to capture data lineage with the Provenance Recorder
- Distributed usecase
- Jianwu will make a short description of current status, and talk with Parviez for feedback
- We'll discuss next call, Feb 9