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Conference Call Notes 20090713

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Jul 13, 2009
Participants: Barseghian, Bowers, Crawl, Gallagher, Hosseini, Ludaescher, Riddle, Wang

  • barseghian - working on highlighting failed runs in WRM, finish delete from provenance code, working on EI paper revision.

  • riddle - working on tagging, could use some testers now. Tags being saved in moml.

  • tags discussion
    • any named object can be tagged.
    • wrm will be able to register with tagging so users can tag runs. Put tags column back in the future so we can search them.
    • TODO shawn to coordinate with aaron re: annotation and saving into library problems
    • TODO tagging team to check with christopher re: a system-wide selection listener for tagging everything

  • wang - presented distributed usecase reap paper at ICWS in LA. Some other groups also using Kepler.
    • ideas for extending distributed execution beyond embarassingly parallel computation.

  • gallagher - getting ready for a new release of the server, a plug-in module that existing users can just drop in to use. This will enable some of the EML stuff discussed previously.

  • discussion of search interfaces. Where should search for e.g. OPeNDAP and DataTurbine go? No registries to search. Data tab vs in the actor vs specialized data search actor.
    • TODO discuss further.

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This particular version was published on 13-Jul-2009 15:48:52 PDT by uid=barseghian,o=NCEAS.