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Feb 07 Dev Meeting

Difference between version 23 and version 16:

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- The first meeting of the REAP project team will be an opportunity to organize the project personnel, objectives, and milestones. See the [agenda|Feb07DevMeeting#section-Feb07DevMeeting-Agendatenative] for more details.
+ The first meeting of the REAP project team will be an opportunity to organize the project personnel, objectives, and milestones. See the agenda below for more details.
At line 17 added 3 lines.
+ ! Pre-meeting assignment: Read the REAP Proposal
+ The proposal is our best current guide to our goals and objectives as a project, and it should be in the forefront of everyone's thoughts. Please read it.
Lines 48-49 were replaced by lines 51-61
- * 9:00 am: __Project overview (Jones)__
- * 9:30 am: __Discussion: Organizing task teams__
+ * 9:00 am: __Project overview (Jones)__ (download slides in [keynote format|] or [ppt format|])
+ * 9:30 am: __Technology overviews__
+ ** Kepler (Higgins)
+ ** NEON (Baru)
+ ** EML and OBOE (Schildhauer)
+ ** OpeNDAP (Fox)
+ ** EarthGrid (Berkley)
+ ** CEOP: COMET (Gertz)
+ * 11:45 am: __Lunch__
+ * 1:00pm: __Discussion: Organizing task teams__
Lines 62-66 were replaced by lines 74-77
- * 11:45 am: __Lunch__
- * 1:00 pm: __Planning for Requirements workshop__
- * 3:30 pm: __Team breakouts__
- ** Product: Milestones for team for year 1, and coarse milestones for yrs 2-4
- ** Product: Personnel needs assessment for each team
+ * 3:30 pm: __Use cases and requirements breakouts__
+ ** Engineers view
+ ** Scientists view
+ ** Public (web) view
Line 72 was replaced by lines 83-84
- * 8:30 am: __Morning session__
+ * 8:30 am: Requirements breakouts (continued)
+ * 10:30 am: Report back, group discussion of requirements
Lines 74-75 were replaced by lines 86-89
- * 1:00 pm: __Afternoon session__
- * 3:30 pm: __Afternoon session 2__
+ * 1:00 pm: __Planning for Requirements workshop__
+ * 2:30 pm: __Milestones and tasks__
+ ** Product: Milestones for teams for year 1, and coarse milestones for yrs 2-4
+ ** Product: Personnel needs assessment for each team

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