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- The first meeting of the REAP project team will be an opportunity to organize the project personnel, objectives, and milestones. See the [agenda|#section-Feb07DevMeeting-Agendatenative] for more details. |
+ The first meeting of the REAP project team will be an opportunity to organize the project personnel, objectives, and milestones. See the agenda below for more details. |
At line 17 added 3 lines. |
+ ! Pre-meeting assignment: Read the REAP Proposal |
+ The proposal is our best current guide to our goals and objectives as a project, and it should be in the forefront of everyone's thoughts. Please read it. |
+ |
Lines 48-49 were replaced by lines 51-61 |
- * 9:00 am: __Project overview (Jones)__ |
- * 9:30 am: __Discussion: Organizing task teams__ |
+ * 9:00 am: __Project overview (Jones)__ (download slides in [keynote format|] or [ppt format|]) |
+ * 9:30 am: __Technology overviews__ |
+ ** Kepler (Higgins) |
+ ** NEON (Baru) |
+ ** EML and OBOE (Schildhauer) |
+ ** OpeNDAP (Fox) |
+ ** EarthGrid (Berkley) |
+ ** CEOP: COMET (Gertz) |
+ |
+ * 11:45 am: __Lunch__ |
+ * 1:00pm: __Discussion: Organizing task teams__ |
Lines 62-64 were replaced by lines 74-77 |
- * 11:45 am: __Lunch__ |
- * 1:00 pm: __Planning for Requirements workshop__ |
- * 3:30 pm: __Afternoon session 2__ |
+ * 3:30 pm: __Use cases and requirements breakouts__ |
+ ** Engineers view |
+ ** Scientists view |
+ ** Public (web) view |
Line 70 was replaced by lines 83-84 |
- * 8:30 am: __Morning session__ |
+ * 8:30 am: Requirements breakouts (continued) |
+ * 10:30 am: Report back, group discussion of requirements |
Lines 72-73 were replaced by lines 86-89 |
- * 1:00 pm: __Afternoon session__ |
- * 3:30 pm: __Afternoon session 2__ |
+ * 1:00 pm: __Planning for Requirements workshop__ |
+ * 2:30 pm: __Milestones and tasks__ |
+ ** Product: Milestones for teams for year 1, and coarse milestones for yrs 2-4 |
+ ** Product: Personnel needs assessment for each team |