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Feb 07 Dev Meeting

Difference between version 17 and version 16:

Line 49 was replaced by lines 49-57
- * 9:30 am: __Discussion: Organizing task teams__
+ * 9:30 am: __Technology overviews__
+ ** Kepler (Higgins)
+ ** NEON (Baru)
+ ** EML and OBOE (Schildhauer)
+ ** OpeNDAP (Potter)
+ ** EarthGrid (Berkley)
+ * 11:45 am: __Lunch__
+ * 1:00pm: __Discussion: Organizing task teams__
Lines 62-66 were replaced by lines 70-73
- * 11:45 am: __Lunch__
- * 1:00 pm: __Planning for Requirements workshop__
- * 3:30 pm: __Team breakouts__
- ** Product: Milestones for team for year 1, and coarse milestones for yrs 2-4
- ** Product: Personnel needs assessment for each team
+ * 3:30 pm: __Use cases and requirements breakouts__
+ ** Engineers view
+ ** Scientists view
+ ** Public (web) view
Line 72 was replaced by lines 79-80
- * 8:30 am: __Morning session__
+ * 8:30 am: Requirements breakouts (continued)
+ * 10:30 am: Report back, group discussion of requirements
Lines 74-75 were replaced by lines 82-85
- * 1:00 pm: __Afternoon session__
- * 3:30 pm: __Afternoon session 2__
+ * 1:00 pm: __Planning for Requirements workshop__
+ * 2:30 pm: __Milestones and tasks__
+ ** Product: Milestones for teams for year 1, and coarse milestones for yrs 2-4
+ ** Product: Personnel needs assessment for each team

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