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Conference Call Notes 20090713

Difference between version 5 and version 1:

At line 3 added 2 lines.
+ * parviez - marratech 'chipmunks' problem, restarting doesn't help. barseghian - reported (this is 3rd time, peter and james both had this issue before) to thomas and ron.
At line 5 added 4 lines.
+ * ludaescher - what signifies a failure? Many different definitions. barseghian - get everyone to start using Throw Model Error?
+ ** supriya off for the summer, but hope work on aggregation will continue in future
+ ** engineering view? barseghian - not yet started, crawl finishing off some provenance issues
At line 20 added 6 lines.
+ * TODO look over terrestrial usecases, update with Status
+ * bowers - will we present our work to usecase creators? barseghian - original plan was for a final REAP meeting where we do this with the original group, TODO check with matt
+ * Bertram will arrange next week's meeting.

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