Dec 15, 2008
Participants: Altintas, Barseghian, Bowers, Cornillon, Crawl, Jones, Ludäscher, Riddle, Wang
- Workflow Run Manager
- discussed mockups w/ Parviez and group
- make connecting to prov stores apparent / easy
- would be nice if parameter variable could be used as in a Tag
- Papers/posters/presentation planning
- Ptolemy conference 09 - proposals for posters and presentations -- due Jan 16
- Christopher adds "I'd like to see a couple of Kepler tutorials, perhaps on ontologies and provenance"
- EIM full paper for a special EIM conference issue of the journal 'Ecological Informatics' -- due Jan 31, 09
- IEEE 2009 3rd international workshop on scientific workflows -- Feb 16 paper submission