Mar 12, 2008
Participants: Altintas, Barseghian, Berkley, Cornillon, Crawl, Graham, Hosseini, Jones, Potter, Schildhauer
- matt's Ocean Sciences talk
- went well. also identified shortcomings of RBNB, Matlab, R actors.
- another goal for SD meeting: identify goals for these actors
- looking into JRI as native bridge to R
- crawl: pt Matlab actor uses JRI
- SD Meeting
- ilkay will put out an agenda soon
- peter may not arrive Mon night
- Developer update
- derik - working on RBNB and Ensemble actors, dealing with data gaps/nils
- dan - will work on getting pt matlab actor in kepler
- Annual report is due soon
- Gather publication info
- Ilkay will work on it
- Possible REAP/RBNB actor paper for EIM
- Derik, Ilkay, Matt...
- "submission deadline is April 15, 2008, at which point both the abstract and short paper must be uploaded"
- Chad Berkley and Jing Tao to join REAP between April and May