Dec 12, 2007
Participants: Barseghian, Cornillon, Crawl, Jones, Rueda
- Developer check-in
- Crawl
- Working on record disassembler w/ template and model parameter
- Record disassembler done, need to implement OPeNDAP actor side
- Barseghian
- Looking at SOS Feeder Framework / sosDB, other groups using SWE eg: CSIRO 1
- Preparing for terrestrial deploy (dec 18)
- Cornillon
- Emailed out diagrams to list--detailed expansion of roughly 1/3 of this usecase
, Crawl will look at this for implementation.
- Jones
- Possible method for implementing Cornillon's workflow: Create a Kepler workflow of empty composites, number the steps, create bugs, then build atomics and composites.
- Todo
- Crawl - record disassembler w/ Potter when he's back, start working on Peter's diagrams
- Rueda & Barseghian - further TML & SWE research, more diagrams of how things can fit together. Talk w/ RBNB folks about SWE.
- Barseghian - work w/ Seabloom and Parviez on workflow