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Conference Call Notes 20071114

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Nov 14, 2007
Participants: Altintas, Barseghian, Crawl, Gallagher, Higgins, Jones, Ludäscher, Potter, Rueda

  • SAS - Sensor Alert Service
    • Derik, trying on 1 ubuntu and 1 os X machine; the 52north implementation.
      • some problems at moment, probably configuration issues.

  • SOS - Sensor Observation Service
    • Carlos - works on ubuntu, another linux, and comet machines, using the 52north implementation.
      • Database consideration--does it make sense for the streaming data?
      • Will be looking at OOSTethys SOS implementation for comparison.

  • OPeNDAP Record Disassembler
    • Nathan: Added more intelligent mapping of DAP arrays to kepler matrices in OPeNDAP actor
    • Ilkay: will try to add functionality like the WSWithComplexTypes actor, which can automatically place and connect an associated disassembler actor on the canvas

  • Ocean usecase
    • Peter will try to send out some workflow details on 21st to Ilkay/Crawl
    • Peter: biggest prob. w/ these dist. data systems is lack of consistent inventories
      • gui has been made in Matlab, do we need to make another for Kepler?
      • idea potentially in the works of parsing filenames on servers to obtain metadata (eg date) since many follow naming conventions

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This particular version was published on 14-Nov-2007 12:59:48 PST by uid=barseghian,o=NCEAS.