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Conference Call Notes 20071031

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Oct 31, 2007
Participants: Altintas, Barseghian, Crawl, Gallagher, Higgins, Jones, Ludäscher, Rueda, Schildhauer

  • Dan Crawl - new developer.
    • joining telecons from now on, will begin on REAP 50% time in Dec.
    • already has Kepler dev experience, will work on ocean usecase; actors, including Matlab

  • Discussion of how Matlab actor needs to be improved
    • launches new Matlab instance each time currently, this is slow
    • need to better deal with output files
    • needs to be generalized

  • Metadata format for data in RBNB?
    • Discussion of sensorML, o&m, EML, etc.
    • Carlos will continue comparing them, and filling out SWE page

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This particular version was published on 31-Oct-2007 14:05:47 PDT by uid=barseghian,o=NCEAS.