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Meeting Notes March 08

Difference between version 19 and version 18:

Line 23 was replaced by line 23
- # Design the schema ad build a relational database for the match up datasets (April 11th; 2 weeks) (Dan and Ilkay)
+ # Design the schema ad build a relational database for the match up datasets (April 11th; 2 weeks) (Dan and Ilkay) __COMPLETED__
Line 43 was replaced by line 43
- # Add DateTime token type
+ # Add DateTime token type __COMPLETED__
Line 45 was replaced by line 45
- # Remove External Execution actor from actor list, docs, and maybe code base, and/or maybe consolidate CommandLineExec with External Execution (Daniel) (See [])
+ # Remove External Execution actor from actor list, docs, and maybe code base, and/or maybe consolidate CommandLineExec with External Execution (Daniel) (See []) __COMPLETED__

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