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Meeting Notes March 08

Difference between version 18 and version 17:

Lines 33-34 were replaced by lines 33-34
- # Document OPeNDAP actor, add to tree, remove ODC feature, assign icon, test for release (Nathan (with Kirsten)), (Next week))
- # Matlab actor -- prepare for release, get library loading working, remove MatlabExpression version of actor (cretae bug to merge this as a fallback to JNI), make actor use TextArea for script, check documentation, complete test workflows (Daniel, with help from Kirsten, by mid April)
+ # Document OPeNDAP actor, add to tree, remove ODC feature, assign icon, test for release (Nathan (with Kirsten)), (Next week)) __COMPLETED__
+ # Matlab actor -- prepare for release, get library loading working, remove MatlabExpression version of actor (cretae bug to merge this as a fallback to JNI), make actor use TextArea for script, check documentation, complete test workflows (Daniel, with help from Kirsten, by mid April) (See [])
Line 45 was replaced by line 45
- # Remove External Execution actor from actor list, docs, and maybe code base, and/or maybe consolidate CommandLineExec with External Execution (Daniel)
+ # Remove External Execution actor from actor list, docs, and maybe code base, and/or maybe consolidate CommandLineExec with External Execution (Daniel) (See [])

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