Difference between
version 11
version 10:
Line 4 was replaced by lines 4-6 |
- # Refactor PAR wf into two wfs (data acquisition, data analysis), reorganize par-data-clean step, replace with generic actors (Elementwise: min, max, is.na; UnivariateDistribution: min, max, range, interquartile range, mean, variance, median, stddev, historgram, densityplot, autocorrelation, partial autocorrelation; bivariate: correlation; statistical model fit: lm, glm, gam; filter actors) (Derik) |
+ # Refactor PAR wf into two wfs (data acquisition, data analysis) |
+ # Complete PAR data acquisition wf: reorganize par-data-clean step, replace with generic actors (Elementwise: min, max, is.na; UnivariateDistribution: min, max, range, interquartile range, mean, variance, median, stddev, historgram, densityplot, autocorrelation, partial autocorrelation; bivariate: correlation; statistical model fit: lm, glm, gam; filter actors) (Derik) |
+ # Complete PAR data analysis workflow (Derik, Eric, Parviez) |
Line 38 was replaced by lines 40-42 |
- # Remove External Execution actor from actor list, docs, and maybe code base, and/or maybe consolidate COmmandLineExec with External Execution (Daniel) |
+ # Remove External Execution actor from actor list, docs, and maybe code base, and/or maybe consolidate CommandLineExec with External Execution (Daniel) |
+ # Check for bugs in CommandLineExec actor with respect to port names display and copy/paste and cloning operations (Daniel) |
+ # Change exit code behavior of Command Line Exec actor (return code from unerlying app, add port for boolean success value (Daniel) |
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