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Conference Call Notes 20070314

Difference between version 8 and version 1:

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- __Participants__: Jones,
+ __Participants__: Jones, Schildhauer, Altintas, Tao, Barteau, Estrin, Graham, Ludaescher, Seabloom, Cornillon
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+ ! Hires
+ * UCSB to make offer this week
+ * UCSD: Altintas takes developer role
+ * UCD: recruitment in progress, short list now
+ * UCLA: Eric Graham, plant ecophysiologist, works with CENS and James reserve
+ ** involved with the NEON single string testbed
+ ! Requirements workshop -- Week of July 23,2007
+ * Eric, Mark, Peter, Eric continue to revise participants list
+ * Ilkay: have Kepler tutorial at start of meeting
+ * Peter: yes, and get started with mockups
+ * How many people? 5/5 for each case study
At line 4 added 4 lines.
+ * still waiting for response from Chaitan, maybe find someone else to contact directly
+ * Eric S will send the hardware setup to the list for Eric G to review
+ ** need prices to manage scale
+ ** Eric G will see if James Reserve folks can give feedback, esp prices
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- ! Requirements workshop -- Week of July 23,2007 Participants
+ ! Annual NSF Report
+ * NSF has requested it, but it shouldn't really be due yet
+ * Matt will continue to see if it is indeed due now, hopefully not until July
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- ! Hires
+ ! Data model comparisons
+ * Potter reports no status change yet
+ * Need to continue work on comparing data models (EML/Kepler/OPeNDAP/CDM)
+ ** how easy to crosswalk? can we create a common library across these?
+ ! Next conference call
+ * Wed Mar 21, 2007 10am pacific time

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