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Conference Call Notes 20070314

Difference between version 2 and version 1:

Line 2 was replaced by line 2
- __Participants__: Jones,
+ __Participants__: Jones, Schildhauer, Altintas, Tao, Barteau, Estrin, Graham, Ludaescher, Seabloom, Cornillon
Line 4 was replaced by lines 4-9
- ! Sensor net hardware setup for terrestrial use case:
+ ! Hires
+ * UCSB to make offer
+ * UCSD: Altintas takes developer role
+ * UCD: recruitment in progress, short list now
+ * UCLA: Eric Graham, plant ecophysiologist, works with CENS and James reserve
At line 6 added 1 line.
+ *
Line 8 was replaced by line 14
- ! Hires
+ ! Sensor net hardware setup for terrestrial use case:

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