Nov 21, 2007
Participants: Barseghian, Cornillon, Crawl, Gallagher, Higgins, Jones, Potter, Rueda
- Barseghian - installed SAS, SOS, WNS -- still learning and working out some problems with 52north implementations.
- Rueda
- Looking at TML (TransducerML).
- Working on comparison of EML w/ SWE offerings.
- Potter - gui development for OPeNDAP actor, checkbox tree - selection subsetting tool.
- Cornillon - working on detailed usecase right now, will email out to list.
- Jones
- Gallagher's email re: Milestones - we need to take usecases and develop a set of functional requirements that these imply for the software stacks we're using.
- This first year should focus on design, planning and prototypes, so that next summer we can have another workshop to evaluate and receive feedback.
- Todo
- Barseghian
- email out to terrestrial group to obtain detailed functional requirements
- obtain details on and upgrade terrestrial metacat in future
- Cornillion
- Email out detailed usecase
- Next week's call to revisit planning topic.