Sep 26, 2007
Participants: Altintas, Barseghian, Cornillon, Gallagher, Graham, Higgins, Jones, Ludaescher, Potter, Rueda, Seabloom
- Terrestrial Hardware Deployment plans
- Try to deploy 2nd week October to catch rain/growing season (~ Nov - June)
- Use dedicated Windows PC, though Mac (Parallels & usb-serial dongle) is now an option.
- Todo
- Seabloom -- check (maybe test w/ 802.11b and laptops) line of sight, mark GPS coords on a .dem, take photos; check access issues to property, internet access
- Barseghian -- move office and fully set up hardware, post Campbell program, wiring details, current plots
- Developer Updates
- Barseghian: Considering adding dateType to Ptolemy. Want to first work on plot code to get dates to display, work backwards from there.
- Jones suggest dateType work first, maybe use R to plot instead.
- Higgins: Don't forget to make a Strip chart actor.
- Ilkay: Off for 6 weeks soon, Daniel Crawl might work half time on REAP during that time.
- Potter: 1) Data representation/size issues 2) OPeNDAP gui mockup discussion, 3) leaving on travel w/ Gallagher soon.
- 1) Higgins/Jones: Use references and work off disk. Bertram: Discuss/work on this issue w/ wider Kepler community. Discussion of adding a Matlab-like squeeze function to OPeNDAP actor.
- 2) Gui discussion. Can't easily take browser out of the mix since parsing OPeNDAP webpages is difficult (not consistent across different servers)
- Carlos: Monitoring icons, will begin focus on sensorML and other languages
- Todo: post page about monitoring icons/API discussion on wiki
- Higgins todo:
- email out to Kepler dev re: moving to Java 1.5 (strive for 1.6 but have no deps for 1.6)
- post page to wiki about working with data on disk via references
- next week
- Ilkay, Nathan, Peter to meet about oceanographic usecase.
- regular REAP call may not occur, or will probably just focus of terrestrial hardware