This is version 10.
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May 02, 2007
Participants: Jones, Gallagher, Barseghian, Higgins, Cornillon, Schildhauer, Ludaescher, Altintas
- New SW Engineer @UCSB: Derik Barseghian
- looking towards an existing PhD student to become a postdoc, start this summer
- NEON prototype update
- At the PDR today
- Created actor to get data from RBNB server
- How to use the data from data efficiently
- Requires Java 1.5.x APIs, ok because Kepler has transitioned its nightly build to 1.5.x
- Needs to restrict build.xml to require 1.5, because she uses Java generics
- Test environment
- Currently using the NEON/NEES test RBNB server
- Moving to an RBNB that she runs herself
- TODO: Ilkay will start to work with Derik to share what she's done
- Participants
- list is good
- add James or Nathan from project so that oceanographic case is better
- question of whether the microbial observatory community is a good thing to add for the oceanography use case. The mocrobial ecology folks probably use the oceanography data a lot.
- Invitations
- rewritten, sent to us, ready to be sent out
- need to clear up how much the use cases can be modified
- really there to clarify functional requirements
- Wiki
- currently is an overview document
- need to integrate it into the wiki Meetings page
- Draft agenda
- TODO: Matt and Mark to prototype this
- UI Mockups/ Requirements