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March 08 Dev Meeting

Difference between version 15 and version 14:

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- The meeting will be held in [San Diego Supercomputer Center|] on the UC San Diego campus. The first day, we'll meet at SDSC room 462 at 8:00 am for coffee. The meeting will start at 8:30am in the same room. \\
+ The meeting will be held in [San Diego Supercomputer Center|] on the UC San Diego campus. The first day, we'll meet at SDSC room 408 at 8:00 am for coffee. The meeting will start at 8:30am in the same room. \\
Lines 76-77 were replaced by lines 76-77
- __08:00 am:__ Coffee (Rm: 462)\\
+ ''Joint Session __(Rm: 408)__''
+ __08:00 am:__ Coffee \\
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- __09:00 am:__ Status report for UCSB (Matt J.)\\
+ __09:00 am:__ Status report for NCEAS (Matt J.)\\
Line 82 was replaced by line 82
- __09:30 am:__ Status report for UCSD (Ilkay A.)\\
+ __09:30 am:__ Status report for SDSC (Ilkay A.)\\
Line 89 was replaced by lines 89-96
+ __11:00 am:__ Overview of the terrestrial ecology usecase (Eric S.)\\
+ __11:30 am:__ Overview of the ocean usecase (Peter C.)\\
+ __12:00 pm:__ Assignments for the afternoon (Matt J.)\\
+ __12:15 pm:__ Lunch \\
+ __01:30 pm:__ Breakout sesssions
+ *''Breakout#1 __(Rm: 462)__'': Eco - Led by Eric S.
+ *''Breakout#2 __(Rm: 567 1-3 pm and Rm: 225 3-5 pm)__'': Ocean - Led by Peter C.
+ __05:30 pm:__ Adjourn for the day
At line 91 added 7 lines.
+ ''Joint Session __(Rm: 462)__''
+ __08:00 am:__ Coffee \\
+ __08:30 am:__ Review of progress and joint discussion (Led by Matt J.)
+ __09:30 am:__ Breakout sesssions (Lunch and break times decided by group)
+ *''Breakout#1 __(Rm: 462)__'': Eco - Led by Eric S.
+ *''Breakout#2 __(Rm: 377)__'': Ocean - Led by Peter C.
+ __05:30 pm:__ Adjourn for the day
At line 93 added 10 lines.
+ ''Joint Session __(Rm: 567)__''
+ __08:00 am:__ Coffee \\
+ __08:30 am:__ Breakout sesssions
+ *''Breakout#1 __(Rm: 377 8:30-11:30 am)__'': Eco - Led by Eric S.
+ *''Breakout#1 __(Rm: 225 8:30-11:30 am)__'': Ocean - Led by Peter C.
+ ''Joint Session __(Rm: 462)__''
+ __08:30 am:__ Review of progress and joint discussion (Led by Matt J.)
+ March 27th - Breakout#1 - Room 377 8 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Room 567 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and Room 377 12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.\\
+ March 27th - Breakout#2 - Room 225 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., Room 408 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. and Room 225 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.\\
+ __05:30 pm:__ Adjourn for the day
At line 95 added 8 lines.
+ __08:00 am:__ Coffee \\
+ __01:30 pm:__ Breakout sesssions
+ *''Breakout#1 __(Rm: 462)__'': Eco - Led by Eric S.
+ *''Breakout#1 __(Rm: 567 1-3 pm and Rm: 225 3-5 pm)__'': Ocean - Led by Peter C.
+ March 28th - Breakout#1 - Room 462 All Day\\
+ March 28th - Breakout#2 - Room 225 All Day\\
+ __05:30 pm:__ Adjourn for the day

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