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Conference Call Notes 20070807

Difference between version 3 and version 2:

Lines 8-10 were replaced by lines 8-18
- ** probably 2 new types
- ** Grid type
- ** N-dimensional arrays with optimized storage
+ ** probably 2 new types needed in Kepler
+ *** Grid type
+ *** N-dimensional arrays with optimized storage
+ ** next step to change actor to add dynamic ports based on the type, so that the ports can reflect the structure of the source
+ * Ilkay
+ ** Matlab actor, using the code from Zhang at the workshop
+ ** Still really need Matlab actor to be as robust as the R actor
+ *** Ilkay will write up a list of Matlab actor issues and requirements
+ **** Only supports passing input variables -- need output too
+ **** graphical output needed too
+ **** issue with Matlab being local or remote (command line versus ssh)

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