Oct 18 2010
Participants: Altintas, Anand, Barseghian, Crawl, Cornillon, Gallagher, Jones, Riddle, Tao
- james
- presented info about crawling at Earth Science Data Systems Work Group meeting.
- Discussions there wrt iso 19105, SMAP, CF (Climate Forecast) metadata
- want to start crawling other servers to get a feel for sizes
- we should push forwards on discovery (e.g. within Kepler work) and do some server crawls (and any necessary related work) in the background
- need to start writing aggregations
- peter: can we integrate your discovery stuff w/ Fronts workflow?
- dan
- need to finish a few more sensor site bugs
- then create screencast of how this works, then
- demo to seabloom
- jing
- installed wf run engine and scheduler on KeplerDev server. derik tested, works.
- working on a multi-threading issue with the kepler gui
- security: we can disallow anon user scheduling, but we still have sandbox concerns to look into.
- derik: possible enhancement: option to filter out everything but unique workflows in left components area.
- derik
- no longer planning to add WRM to scheduler dialog, instead just add a dropdown menu for choosing repo above the existing WRM
- post mockup
- sean
- working on tagging bugs
- need to go through plotting bugs
- talk with derik re: Reporting and Sensor View
- ilkay
- had meeting with peter last week, discussed dist. computing techniques, master-slave maps well to his usecase
- matt: intersection of dist. computing techniques? optimally we want minimal configuration and workflow modification
- jianwu looking into parallel patterns in Kepler, this takes away background configuration. discuss further next time w/ jianwu
- matt: run master-slave past parviez and get his feedback on usability
- derik
- are nightly builds all that's holding up move to 1.6?
- check with chad about changing builds.
- find stats to estimate how many people may be in os X 10.5 on 32bit macs
- leadership team to discuss