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Conference Call Notes 20080813

Difference between version 4 and version 2:

Lines 20-21 were replaced by lines 20-29
- ** requesting more detailed usecase for detached / dist. execution wf. currently looking at HosseiniSimulationWorkflow as one example
- ** todo: post paper of plans for detached and distributed execution usecase
+ ** Current use cases:
+ *** Large Parameter Sweeps and Whole workflow detached execution and monitoring with HosseiniSimulationWorkflow proposed by Parviez Hosseini
+ *** C Code Porting
+ *** same workflow, multiple execution with different parameters, remote execution in cluster.
+ *** more use case needed.
+ ** todo:
+ *** post paper of plans for distributed framework
+ *** Identify and Fix a typical use case for implementation.
+ *** Detailed design and implementation.

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