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Terrestrial Use Case Hardware

Difference between version 5 and version 4:

Line 4 was replaced by line 4
- Below find screenshots of an example Kepler workflow using the RBNBToKepler2 actor and the resulting plots. This is junk "desk data"--the Campbell CR800 datalogger and sensors are set up and running on my desk. You can easily note when I switched from AC to solar near the beginning of the battery voltage plot. Sensors and the solar panel were/are occasionally arbitrarily moved about, though it was fairly infrequent (in the case of the panel, generally to better sit in sunlight). We had one cloudy day.
+ Below find screenshots of an example Kepler workflow using the RBNBToKepler2 actor and the resulting plots. This is junk "desk data"--the [Campbell CR800 datalogger|] and sensors are set up and running on my desk. You can easily note when I switched from AC to solar near the beginning of the battery voltage plot. Sensors and the solar panel were/are occasionally arbitrarily moved about, though it was fairly infrequent (in the case of the panel, generally to better sit in sunlight). We had one cloudy day.

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