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- And I stopped writing code there because it's clearly going to get a lot more complex pretty quickly and I want to get peoples input. The rest of the idea is that when a user selects a variable by highlighting (single clicking on) the name in the data set tree the appropriate sub-setting interface appears in the Sub-setting Pane. By navigating the data set tree, clicking the check boxes, and highlighting the selected variables the user can build the data request that they want. |
+ And I stopped writing code there because it's clearly going to get a lot more complex pretty quickly and it's time to solicit input. The rest of the idea is that when a user selects a variable by highlighting (single clicking on) the name in the data set tree the appropriate sub-setting interface appears in the Sub-setting Pane. By navigating the data set tree, clicking the check boxes, and highlighting the selected variables the user can build the data request that they want. |
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