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Sensor Web Enablement: A synopsis

The SWE initiative seeks to provide interoperability between disparate sensors and sensor processing systems by establishing a set of standard protocols to enable a "Sensor Web," by which sensors of all types in the Web are discoverable, accessible, and taskable. The SWE standards allow the determination of the capabilities and quality of measurements from sensors, the retrieval of real-time observations in standard data formats, the specification of tasks to obtain observations of interest, and the asynchronous notification of events and alerts from remote sensors.

SWE components include models and XML Schemas (SensorML, Observations&Measurements, TransducerML) and Web service interfaces (SOS, SPS, SAS, WNS), which are briefly described as follows:

  • SensorML, Sensor Model Language: An XML Schema to describe sensors and sensor platforms. SensorML provides a functional description of detectors, actuators, filters, operators, and other sensor systems, which are all treated as instances of process models.

  • O&M, Observations & Measurements: A specification for encoding observations and measurements from sensors.

  • TransducerML, Transducer Markup Language: A specification that supports real-time streaming of data to and from transducers and other sensor systems

  • SOS, Sensor Observation Service: This Web service interface is used to request and retrieve metadata information about sensor systems as well as observation data.

  • SPS, Sensor Planning Service: Using this Web interface,users can control taskable sensor systems and define tasks for the collection of observations and the scheduling of requests.

  • SAS, Sensor Alert Service: Through this Web service interface, users are able to publish and subscribe to alerts from sensors.

  • WNS, Web Notification Service: This Web service interface allows the asynchronous interchange of messages between a client and one or more services (eg, SAS and SPS).

Getting streaming observation data

The following diagram (taken from here), shows how a client application can obtain streaming data from a provider through the SOS interface.

SOS GetObservation for streaming data

SWE and RBNB: preliminary ideas

Currently, we are investigating the feasibility and suitability of providing SWE-related interfaces to RBNB data. A possible goal in this direction is to design and implement Kepler actors to get sensor data using some of the SWE services, for example, an SosReaderActor to connect to a SOS server. In this case, an SOS server would be implemented on top of an RBNB server.

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This particular version was published on 17-Oct-2007 12:18:14 PDT by uid=rueda,o=unaffiliated.