Mar 01, 2010
Participants: Altintas, Barseghian, Crawl, Gallagher, Schildhauer, Schultz, Wang
- trip to ISI (SPAN)
- Dan and Derik to visit ISI, setup gumstix with SPAN software, test against our loggers, email out report
- Mark and Matt to get in contact w/ Terry re: mou
- Eng View
- during next REAP meet, let's divide up Engineering View tasks as listed in bugzilla
, and shown in architecture diagram at the bottom of this page .
- invite Manish, Debi, Jing
- James
- crawler/metacat discussion.
- Peter wants to to be able to search on resolution as well.
- Matt: Debi may be able to help with the search GUI
- Jianwu
- have made a new 64bit library for Matlab, waiting to hear from Peter that it works
- something changed with ecogrid and the master-slave is having compilation issues, working on these bugs
- no cost extension
- Matt: filed no cost extension, our end is now May 31st, 2011. MSI to extend subcontacts, if this doesn't happen, let Matt know