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- REAP (Realtime Environment for Analytical Processing) is an NSF-funded cyberinfrastructure development project, focused on creating technology in which scientific workflows tools can be used to access, monitor, analyze and present information from field-deployed sensor networks, for both the oceanic and terrestrial environments, and across multiple spatiotemporal scales. This near real-time environment for analytical processing will provide an open-source, extensible and customizable framework for designing and executing scientific models that consume data streams from sensor networks. Project investigators will combine the real-time data grid being constructed through other projects (ROADNet, CENS ESS, OPeNDAP, EarthGrid) with the scientific workflow system Kepler [(http://kepler-project.org)|http://kepler-project.org]. These open-source software frameworks represent considerable prior investments. The tools developd by REAP are intended to be broadly relevant to individual researchers, as well as scientists involved with emerging integrated monitoring frameworks such as NEON-- the National Ecological Observatory Network ([http://neoninc.org|http://neoninc.org]) and ORION—the Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Networks ([http://orionprogram.org|http://orionprogram.org]). |
+ __REAP__ (__R__ealtime __E__nvironment for __A__nalytical __P__rocessing) is an NSF-funded cyberinfrastructure development project, focused on creating technology in which scientific workflows tools can be used to access, monitor, analyze and present information from field-deployed sensor networks, for both the oceanic and terrestrial environments, and across multiple spatiotemporal scales. This near real-time environment for analytical processing will provide an open-source, extensible and customizable framework for designing and executing scientific models that consume data streams from sensor networks. Project investigators will combine the real-time data grid being constructed through other projects (ROADNet, CENS ESS, OPeNDAP, EarthGrid) with the scientific workflow system Kepler [(http://kepler-project.org)|http://kepler-project.org]. These open-source software frameworks represent considerable prior investments.\\ |
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+ The tools developed by REAP are intended to be broadly relevant to individual researchers, as well as scientists involved with emerging integrated monitoring frameworks such as NEON-- the National Ecological Observatory Network ([http://neoninc.org|http://neoninc.org]) and ORION—the Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Networks ([http://orionprogram.org|http://orionprogram.org]). |
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- Development of the REAP tools will be strongly guided by the needs and advice of representatives from each of the three communities that the tools are expected to service. An initial focus will involve refining two scientific use cases, to clarify the specific issues and challenges that researchers face in critical areas involving analysis of oceanographic, terrestrial ecological, and ultimately integrated ocean-land topics. These use cases are currently scoped as follows: |
+ Development of the REAP tools will be strongly guided by the needs and advice of representatives from each of the three communities that the tools are expected to service. An initial focus will involve refining two scientific case studies, to clarify the specific issues and challenges that researchers face in critical areas involving analysis of oceanographic, terrestrial ecological, and ultimately integrated ocean-land topics. These use cases are currently scoped as follows: |
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+ *[Oceanographic Case Study|Ocean_SST] |
+ *[Terrestrial Case Study|Land_PlantPath] |
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- *[Oceanographic Use Case|http://reap.ecoinformatics.org/Wiki.jsp?page=RequirementsWorkshop2007] |
- *[Terrestrial Use Case|http://reap.ecoinformatics.org/Wiki.jsp?page=RequirementsWorkshop2007] |
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