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version 8:
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- The goal of the REAP SST usecase workflow (REAP-SST-UCW) is to compare and match-up existing sensor datasets in OpenDAP archives. |
+ The goal of the REAP SST usecase workflow (REAP-SST-UCW) is to compare and match-up existing remote-sensed (satellite) images of sea surface temperature found in OPeNDAP archives. |
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- ## __The datasets to use:__ For now, we assume only satellite (MODUS, HYCON, etc.) and Level 3 mapped data. "The Level 3 mapped products are global gridded data sets with all points filled even over land." [Ref: ftp://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/documents/dataset_docs/modis_sst.html] |
+ ## __The datasets to use:__ For now, we assume only satellite (MODIS, HYCOM, etc.) and Level 3 mapped data. "The Level 3 mapped products are global gridded data sets with all points filled, even over land." [Ref: ftp://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/documents/dataset_docs/modis_sst.html] |
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