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O Pe NDAP Actor Use Case 01

Difference between version 8 and version 7:

Line 1 was replaced by line 1
- !!!Name: Importing DAP data into Kepler - Minimal User Interface
+ !!!Importing DAP data into Kepler: \\ Minimal User Interface
Line 25 was replaced by line 25
- * User has a complete DAP data URL that accesses and subsets the data that they wish to use.
+ * User has a complete DAP data URL that accesses and subsets the data that they wish to use.
Line 67 was replaced by line 67
- # Multidimensional arrays can be subset so that their "effective" dimensionality is reduced by specifying (in the DAP constraint expression) a single index for one or more of the array's dimensions.\\ \\
+ # Multidimensional arrays can be subset so that their "effective" dimensionality is reduced by specifying (in the DAP constraint expression) a single index for one or more of the array's dimensions.\\ \\

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