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Opendap Data Connector In Kepler

Using the Opendap Data Connector In Kepler


  1. You will need a recent version of Kepler. If you don't have access to Kepler CVS, download the nightly build:
    • (get or newer)
  2. Download
    • This contains several files. For each move into the appropriate directory: ($KEPLER = top level Kepler directory.)
      • datasets.xml : move into $KEPLER
      • gazetteer.txt : move into $KEPLER
      • opendap-Not.A.Release.jar : move into $KEPLER/lib/jar/opendap (replace existing opendap-Not.A.Release.jar)
      • odc.jar : move into $KEPLER/lib/jar/opendap
      • ods-actor.kar : modified Opendap actor, can be anywhere.
      • ods-wf.xml : workflow using modified Opendap actor, can be anywhere.
  3. Start Kepler
  4. Import modified Opendap actor into Kepler: File menu -> Import Archive (KAR) -> ods-actor.kar
  5. Load workflow: File menu -> Open File -> ods-wf.xml
  6. Double-click on OpendapDataSource2 actor to configure parameters.
  7. Click on the runODC check-box; ODC should start. BEFORE using ODC, do step 8.
  8. Close the actor's configure parameters box by clicking Commit or Cancel. (ODC GUI will NOT respond until this is done).
  9. Select a dataset in the ODC. This can be done by clicking on one of the folders and double-clicking on one of its files. This should take you to the Retrieve pane/tab. In the middle-pane, double-click on a dataset and the fields should appear in the "Additional Criteria" pane on the right. Select some of the fields by clicking in the check boxes.
    • NOTE 1: Some of the datasets in the Search pane appear to be no longer online. At the end of these instructions are two working datasets.
    • NOTE 2: Select/constrain only a few fields, otherwise executing the workflow will take a long time and/or Kepler runs out of memory.
  10. Change pull-down next to "Output to" button (bottom right) to Kepler, and click "Output to" button.
  11. Close ODC, then Opendap actor will reconfigure output ports to match constraints set in ODC.
  12. (Optional) Connect output port(s) to Display actor and run workflow.

  • Example datasets:
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)

US GODAE - Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (USGODAE)
  NOGAPS Computational Grids
    NOGAPS_comp_grid_alb-0000, fields: lat, lon, time

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