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RBNB Sink Actor Design And API

Difference between version 5 and version 4:

At line 0 added 3 lines.
+ __Note: This page under construction! CR800 program, wiring details, more text and cleanup of existing text to come...__
Line 10 was replaced by lines 13-27
- Screenshots, CR800 program, wiring details, etc to come...
+ !Plots
+ All times are in seconds since unix epoch. This will be remedied in the future, it requires a fair amount of development to be implemented properly.
+ * Air Temp C -- in degrees C
+ * Batt Volt - voltage of battery in PS100 12v power supply
+ * lqs70_Avg(1) -- Apogee linear light sensor lqs70-10
+ * lqs70_Avg(2) -- Apogee linear light sensor lqs70-10
+ * qsosun_Avg -- Apogee quantum sensor
+ * records -- record numbers
+ * WS_ms_Avg -- avg of wind speed in meters/s (Campbell 014a-l anemometer)
+ * VW_Avg -- cs616 reflectometer measurement
+ * VW_Avg_2 -- cs616 reflectometer measurement
+ * relative_humidity -- rh %

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