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Opendap Data Connector In Kepler

Difference between version 4 and version 2:

Lines 16-19 were replaced by lines 16-17
- # Import modified Opendap actor into Kepler:
- File menu -> Import Archive (KAR) -> ods-actor.kar
- # Load workflow:
- File menu -> Open File -> ods-wf.xml
+ # Import modified Opendap actor into Kepler: File menu -> Import Archive (KAR) -> ods-actor.kar
+ # Load workflow: File menu -> Open File -> ods-wf.xml
Lines 21-29 were replaced by lines 19-21
- # Click on the runODC check-box; ODC should start. BEFORE using ODC, do
- step 8.
- # Close the actor's configure parameters box by clicking Commit or Cancel.
- __(ODC GUI will NOT respond until this is done).__
- # Select a dataset in the ODC. This can be done by clicking on one of
- the folders and double-clicking on one of its files. This should take
- you to the Retrieve pane/tab. In the middle-pane, double-click on a
- dataset and the fields should appear in the "Additional Criteria" pane
- on the right. Select some of the fields by clicking in the check boxes.
+ # Click on the runODC check-box; ODC should start. BEFORE using ODC, do step 8.
+ # Close the actor's configure parameters box by clicking Commit or Cancel. __(ODC GUI will NOT respond until this is done).__
+ # Select a dataset in the ODC. This can be done by clicking on one of the folders and double-clicking on one of its files. This should take you to the Retrieve pane/tab. In the middle-pane, double-click on a dataset and the fields should appear in the "Additional Criteria" pane on the right. Select some of the fields by clicking in the check boxes.
Lines 39-40 were replaced by lines 31-32
- OASIS Mooring Data
+ OASIS Mooring Data
Lines 43-44 were replaced by lines 35-36
- NOGAPS Computational Grids
- NOGAPS_comp_grid_alb-0000, fields: lat, lon, time
+ NOGAPS Computational Grids
+ NOGAPS_comp_grid_alb-0000, fields: lat, lon, time

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