Ecoinformatics site parent site of Partnership for Biodiversity Informatics site parent site of REAP - Home





Difference between version 9 and version 4:

Lines 1-2 were replaced by line 1
- !! REAP Event Calendar
- We maintain a [public event calendar|] in Google calendar. You can view the calendar, or subscribe to the [iCal feed|].
+ We maintain a public event calendar in Google calendar. You can view the calendar below, or subscribe to the [iCal feed|]. We also maintain a list of [meeting agendas and meeting notes|MeetingAgendasAndNotes].
Line 4 was replaced by line 3
- [{INSERT account='' title='My REAP Events' nav='NAVIGATION' eventsPerDay='5' border='0' height='588' width='640' bgcolor='%23FFFFFF'}]
+ [{INSERT org.ecoinformatics.jspwiki.GoogleCalendarPlugin.GoogleCalendarPlugin account='' title='REAP Events' nav='NAVIGATION' eventsPerDay='4' border='0' height='500' width='640' bgcolor='%23FFFFFF'}]
At line 5 added 1 line.

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