Difference between
version 9
version 1:
Lines 1-5 were replaced by lines 1-14 |
- [Kepler|http://kepler-project.org] |
- [Kepler Component Repository|http://library.kepler-project.org] |
- [Ptolemy|http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu] |
- [OPeNDAP|http://www.opendap.org] |
- [Ecoinformatics CVS|http://cvs.ecoinformatics.org] |
+ !Projects |
+ *[Kepler|http://kepler-project.org] |
+ *[Kepler Component Repository|http://library.kepler-project.org] |
+ *[Ptolemy|http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu] |
+ *[OPeNDAP|http://www.opendap.org] |
+ *[Ecoinformatics CVS|http://cvs.ecoinformatics.org] |
+ *[San Diego Super Computer Center|http://www.sdsc.edu] |
+ *[National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis|http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu] |
+ *[Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge|http://seek.ecoinformatics.org] |
+ *[National Ecological Observatory Network|http://www.neoninc.org] |
+ *[Open Source DataTurbine Initiative|http://dataturbine.org/] |
+ |
+ !Data Processing |
+ *[Pathfinder Matchup Databases|http://www.rsmas.miami.edu/groups/rrsl/pathfinder/Matchups/compilation.html] |
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