Difference between
version 2
version 1:
Removed line 31 |
- |
Lines 33-38 were replaced by line 32 |
- |
- 4) Output this list. |
- |
- Alternative paths |
- |
- Postconditions |
+ #Output this list. |
Line 40 was replaced by lines 34-40 |
- Business rules |
+ __Alternative paths:__\\ |
+ \\ |
+ __Postconditions:__\\ |
+ \\ |
+ __Business rules:__\\ |
+ \\ |
+ __Notes:__\\ |
Line 42 was replaced by lines 42-44 |
- Notes |
+ *Data sets may be remote |
+ *Data sets may not be well described |
+ *Data sets may be very large |
Lines 44-46 were replaced by line 46 |
- Data sets may be remote |
- Data sets may not be well described |
- Data sets may be very large |
+ __Author and date -__ SST Use Case Development Group 25 July 2007.\\ |
Line 48 was replaced by line 48 |
- Author and date - SST Use Case Development Group 25 July 2007. |
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